勝村 史昭


  • fkatsumura@ics.hub.hit-u.ac.jp




  • Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., & Yamamoto, S. (2022). The Antecedents and Consequences of Workaholism: Findings From the Modern Japanese Labor Market. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 812821.
  • 阿久津聡, 勝村史昭, 徳永麻子, 後藤恵美, & 木村誠. (2021). コロナ禍で加速したテレワーク時代の共感マネジメント―コミュニケーションモデルの提案と実践手法の検討―. マーケティングジャーナル, 41(1), 54-67.
  • 阿久津聡・勝村史昭・山本翔平(2021)日本の労働者にみられるワーカホリズムの生成機序とその帰結 リクルートワークス研究所 Works Discussion Paper, (41) 1-20.
  • Jinju Lee, Satoshi Akutsu, & Fumiaki Katsumura. (2019). Filling the Social Void with Action: Workplace Loneliness and Brand Enactment on Sense of Power. Conference: European Group for Organizational Studies, Kyoto, Japan, December 2019.
  • Satoshi Akutsu, Fumiaki Katsumura, & Jinju Lee. (2019). The Trap of Complementarity in Postmerger Integration of Equal Mergers. Conference: European Group for Organizational Studies, Kyoto, Japan, December 2019.
  • Jack Ting-Ju Chiang., Haiyang Liu., Ye Zhang., Satoshi Akutsu., & Fumiaki Katsumura. (2017). The Dual Inferences for Authoritarian Leaders’ Negative Emotional Labor on Follower OCB and CWB. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2017, 2017:1 14936.
  • Lifan Chen, Satoshi Akutsu, Fumiaki Katsumura, Haiyang Liu, & Ye Zhang. (2017). Leading with Emotional Labor:Gender Differences in Leader Emotional Labor and Employee Performance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2017, 2017:1 15283.
  • 阿久津聡・勝村史昭(2016)「組織力強化プロセスとしての企業ブランディングとその効果」、『マーケティングジャーナル』, 36(1), pp.5-26.


「上司のリーダーシップと部下のレジリエンス」『職場ではぐくむレジリエンス―働き方を変える15のポイント』(松井知子・市川佳居編著)所収, 2019年, 金剛出版.


  • 勝村史昭; 阿久津聡(2017)「リーダーシップと組織同一化のバーンアウトへの影響」第24回日本産業精神保健学会(杏林大学, 2017.7.1)
  • Fumiaki Katsumura; Satoshi Akutsu; Jack Ting-Ju Chiang (2016) “Testing a Moderated Mediation Model of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Role of Organizational Identification and Interdependent Self-Construal” Presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 23rd International Congress, Nagaya, Japan, 2016.08.02.
  • Satoshi Akutsu; Fumiaki Katsumura; Shinobu Kitayama; Yukiko Uchida (2016) “The Moderating Effect of Interdependent Self-Construalin the Case of the Causal Relationship From Job Satisfaction to Organizational Commitment” Presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 23rd International Congress, Nagaya, Japan, 2016.08.02.
  • Yumi Inoue; Satoshi Akutsu; Fumiaki Katsumura; Toshio Yamagishi (2016) “Trust and gender: The impact of social value orientation and control on men's strategic behavior in the Trust Game” Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, 2016.07.28.
  • Satoshi Akutsu; Shinobu Kitayama; Steve Cole; Yukiko Uchida; Fumiaki Katsumura (2016) “The social genomics of positive mindsets: Molecular correlates of optimism” Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, 2016.07.25.
  • Satoshi Akutsu; Fumiaki Katsumura; Shinobu Kitayama; Yukiko Uchida (2016) “When interdependence fails in Japan: Work attachment in domestic versus foreign-owned companies” Poster presented at the 17th Annual Convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, California, 2016.01.29.
  • Satoshi Akutsu; Fumiaki Katsumura; Shinobu Kitayama; Yukiko Uchida (2016) “The interaction between one’s interdependence and the perception of other’s interdependence: Effects on emotional reaction and work evaluation in Japan” Poster presented at the cultural psychology preconference of 17th Annual Convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, California, 2016.01.28.
  • Satoshi Akutsu; Yukiko Uchida; Fumiaki Katsumura; Yuji Ogihara; Shinobu Kitayama (2015) “Do Japanese workers feel lonelier in local Japanese companies than in foreign-owned multinational companies in Japan? If so, why? - A cultural psychological inquiry”Poster presented at the cultural psychology preconference of 16th Annual Convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, California, 2015.02.26.
  • Fumiaki Katsumura; Satoshi Akutsu; Yukiko Uchida; Shinobu Kitayama; Yuji Ogihara (2015) “Differential Impacts of Employees' Cultural Self-Construals on Job Satisfaction and Workplace Social Relationship Between Japanese Companies and Foreign-owned Companies in Japan” Poster presented at the 16th Annual Convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, California, 2015.02.27.
  • Satoshi Akutsu; Yuri Miyamoto; Katsumi Watanabe; Fumiaki Katsumura (2015) “Culture And Realistic Expression Of Solid Figures: Rule-Versus Exemplar-Based Visual Judgment” Poster presented at the 16th Annual Convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, California, 2015.02.27.