Academic Journal

Peer-reviewed journal articles


The Hierarchy Myopia of Organizational Learning. Seoul Journal of Business 2015 Vol. 21 No. 2 pp.71-104.

Author: Park, N.K., Lee, J., Choi, K.
Year: 2015

The Effect of Individual, Team Creativity and Vertical Integration on Performance: The Case of the Korean Music Industry. Journal of Strategic Management 2015 Vol.18 No.3 pp.97-124

Author: Song, N.K., Park, K.N., Lee, J.
Year: 2015

Cultural Differences in Cobrand Preference: The Influence of Dialectical Thinking Japan Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings Vol.4, 2015 pp.135-136

Author: Suzuki, S., Akutsu, S.
Year: 2015

The contradictory roles of ambiguity for innovation in an industry: how beneficial are standardisation and classification?. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 2015 Vol.27 No.9 pp.1114-1128

Author: Rhee, M., Park, J. S., Yoo, T.
Year: 2015

Effects of anger regulation and social anxiety on perceived stress. Health Psychology Open, Volume 2, Issue 2.

Author: Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.-S., Akutsu, S., Oshio, A.
Year: 2015

Service Employee Improvisation: Organizational Influence across Culture. The 24th Frontiers in Service Conference 2015 proceedings

Author: Luria, G., Rayburn, S.W., Yagil, D., Fisk, R.P., Fujikawa, Y.
Year: 2015

Role of Regulator in Value Co-creation: Using Crowd Sourcing Technology on Open Innovation Platform The 24th Frontiers in Service Conference 2015 proceedings

Author: Nishiyama, K., Fujikawa, Y.
Year: 2015

Service Knowledge Transfer in Asia: Role of Centers of Excellence, Host-country Environment, and Subsidiary Competence ICServ 2015 The 3rd International Conference of Society for Serviceology proceedings

Author: Kitagawa, H., Fujikawa, Y.
Year: 2015

Effects of information toward taste evaluations: Effects of information presentation order for the bad taste products Proceedings of the 66th Meeting on Japan Society for Commodity Science 2015  

Author: Suzuki, S., Kitahata, K.
Year: 2015

Cultural differences in the focus on goals versus processes of actions and their effect toward service recovery. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting on Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution 2015

Author: Suzuki, S., Takemura, K, Hamamura, T.
Year: 2015

Residential mobility and low-commitment groups. Archives of Scientific Psychology, v3, n1 (20150511): pp.54-61

Author: Oishi, S., Talhelm, T., Lee, M., Komiya, A., & Akutsu, S.
Year: 2015

Digital inequalities and why they matter. Information. Communication and Society, v18, n5,(20150504): pp. 569-582.

Author: Robinson, L., Cotten, S. R., Ono, H., Quan-Haase, A., Mesch, G., Chen, W., Schulz, J., Hale, T. M., Stern, M. J
Year: 2015

Construal Based Marketing Tactics for High Quality versus Low Price Market Segments. Journal of Product and Brand Management Vol. 24, no. 2 (Feb. 2015), pp.172-181

Author: Love, E. & Okada, E.M.
Year: 2015

Two-Component Model of General Trust: Predicting Behavioral Trust from Attitudinal Trust. Social Cognition, Vol.33, No. 5, (2015) : pp.436-458.

Author: Yamagishi, T., Akutsu, S., Cho, K., Inoue, Y., Li, Y., & Matsumoto, Y.
Year: 2015

The Hierarchy Myopia of Organizational Learning. Academy of Management Proceedings Vol.2015 No.1, 11673.

Author: Choi, K., Park, N. K., Lee, J.
Year: 2015

Cultivating Foreignness: How Organizations Maintain and Leverage Minority Identities. Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 53, no. 1 (2016) pp.55-88

Author: Edman, J.
Year: 2015