Signature courses

Set in among the core MBA courses, these signature courses challenge the students to test their business skills in hand-on learning, to explore alternative business models and frameworks, to understand the integrative purpose of business in society, and to develop their own personal leadership philosophy.

HitotsubashiICS MBA core courses 一橋ICS MBA 主要科目
Get leading:
Leadership Development Journey
This course o_ered in line with the ICS MBA educational philosophy of MBA as a leadership development journey, o_ers an in-depth exploration of each student’s personal leadership growth throughout the _rst year of the Hitotsubashi ICS MBA program. This course is part of our commitment to fostering leadership development, and what makes it truly special at ICS is the personalized one-on-one coaching each student receives. This unique feature is possible because of ICS bespoke approach, allowing us to provide individualized attention and support.
Get connected:
The Seminar System
Every student joins a small (3-4 person) Seminar o_ered by a faculty member. Throughout the program snd after graduation, Seminars remain a growing group of uniquely connected alumni: membership is for life!
Get innovated:
Knowledge Management & Wise Leadership
The theory of knowledge creation teaches how making tacit knowledge explicit drives innovation. In the 21st century, this is crucial for the success of _rms, NPO/NGOs, and governments. Hitotsubashi ICS is a global focal point for research and dissemination in knowledge creation, pioneered by Ikujiro Nonaka, Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University and scholar in residence with us. Nonaka also introduces practical wisdom as a complementary source of knowledge and emphasize its importance for leadership.
Get in context:
Japanese Business and Economy
To begin the MBA journey, JBE takes student on a riveting tour of Japan’s past, present, and future. The story of Japan’s postwar recovery, its meteoric rise to wealth unprecedented in the region, its dedicated path to modernization - and today, its position as a global innovative force and thought leader - is one that Hitotsubashi ICS tells like no other. After experiencing JBE, student will forever be in context in Japan.
Get region-savvy:
Doing Business in Asia

Each year brings a new theme for this course surveying business practice in China, Korea and Japan, o_ered with our partners in the BEST Alliance - Beijing, Seoul, and Tokyo. About ten students from each partner school (Guanghua School of Management, Peking University; Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University and Hitotsubashi ICS) work and visit companies together for 16 days. O_ered at the end of the _rst year of study, DBiA gives di_erent test _elds and contexts for the analytical skills that student build during the year.

Get holistic:
Rethinking Business & Management
The discussion around rethinking capitalism is expansive, with contributions coming from a wide range of individuals and groups, each bringing unique perspectives and backgrounds. This course explores diverse perspectives on rethinking capitalism, encouraging students to critically engage with various viewpoints from the business world. It aims to provoke thoughtful consideration and personal insight into capitalism's future and the evolving roles of business and management in the 21st century.
Get networked:
Global Virtual Teams & Global Network Week
Through the Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM), GVT course brings students from GNAM schools together to work in global and virtual teams. Assumptions regarding information, perspectives, frames of reference, and preferences abound in more serious ways in global virtual teams. The exercise provides students with real-time practice that will be important to their e_ectiveness. GNAM schools students also have access to these highly popular 1-week intensive GNW courses o_ered in locations all over the world - Bangalore, Cape Town, Hong Kong, Madrid, New Haven and many more.
Get integrated:
Capstone Project
Capstone Project provides students with opportunities to integrate what students have learned from all the courses completed in the MBA curriculum, and apply their learning to analyze the situations, identify the key issues, and develop action plans for the real-world.