
Presentations at well-recognized academic conferences


Donating and volunteering in the Aging Society: Perspectives from Post 3-11 Japan Paper presented at the 45th Meeting on Japan Association for Consumer Studies, Tokyo, Japan, October 27, 2012

Author: Kohlbacher, F., Suzuki, S., Akutsu, S.
Year: 2012

Exploration of cultural differences in donating behavior: Examination of motivation and happiness among the Japanese donors. The 45th Conference of the Japan Association for Consumer Studies, October 27, 2012, Tokyo

Author: Suzuki, S., Kohlbacher, F., Akutsu, S.,
Year: 2012

I don't need an agreement on my inconsistent consumption preferences: Multiple selves and consumption in Japan. Association for Consumer Research 2012 North America Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Vol. 40 pp.469-474

Author: Suzuki, S., Akutsu, A.
Year: 2012

Globalization and the Erosion of Job Security in the Japanese Labor Market: A Social Mechanism Approach Presented at Social Mechanism Workshop, Madrid, Spain. October 2012.

Author: Ono, H.
Year: 2012

Effects of projection geometry in drawing of 3D objects and scenes on reality and preference judgments. The 16th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Brighton, UK. July 2-6, 2012

Author: Chen, N., Tsubomi, H., Akutsu, S., Peng, K., Watanabe, K.
Year: 2012

Service Globalization: De-Contextualization and Re-Contextualization of Value Co-Creation Processes. 21st Frontiers in Service Conference, College Park, MD, USA, Proceeding, p.29. June 14-17, 2012

Author: Akutsu, S., Haga, M., Ono, J., Fujikawa, Y.
Year: 2012

Cultural Affordance View of Value Co-Creation: Toward an Interactive and Dynamic Value Co-Creation Model of the Firm, Customer, and Environment. 21st Frontiers in Service Conference, College Park, MD, USA, Proceeding, p.54.June 14-17, 2012

Author: Akutsu, S., Fujikawa, Y.,Ono, J., Morimura, K.
Year: 2012

Dynamic Updating Process of Customer's Motivation for Participating in Value Co-Creation. 21st Frontiers in Service Conference, College Park, MD, USA, Proceeding, p.68. June 14-17, 2012

Author: Ono, J., IItaka, S., Haga, M., Akutsu, S., Fujikawa, Y.
Year: 2012

Loyal customers or brand fans? - Who get most involved in what value co-creation activities? 21st Frontiers in Service Conference,College Park, MD, USA, Proceeding, p.68. June 14-17, 2012

Author: Haga, M., Akutsu, S.
Year: 2012

Social dynamics in diffusion of new consumption practices: Concurrence of actions by firms and media. 62nd Annual Meeting on Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution May 25-27, 2012 Hokkaido

Author: Suzuki, S.
Year: 2012

Dynamic organizational capabilities: Distributed leadership and fractal organization. In Strategic Management of Military Capabilities: Seeking Ways to Foster Military Innovation NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs Tokyo The National Institute for Defense Studies 2012

Author: Nonaka, I.
Year: 2012

Combining Two Complementary Systems Approaches to Conflict in Multinational Mergers: A Japanese-American Merger as an Extreme Test Case AIB Competitive Paper Presentation Proceedings 2012

Author: Robinson, P.
Year: 2012

Reality as an Institutional Construction: The Press and Market Perceptions of Corporate Downsizing in Japan AOM Competitive Paper Presentation Proceedings 2012

Author: Robinson, P.
Year: 2012

Perceived Stigma of Nondrinkers in South Korean Culture. 27th Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology April 26-28, 2012 San Diego, CA

Author: Kim, S., Ghumman, S., Park, J. S.
Year: 2012

Religious Harassment in the workplace: An examination of Observer Interventions. 27th Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology April 26-28, 2012 San Diego, CA

Author: Ghumman, S., Ryan, A. M., Park, J. S.
Year: 2012

How Institutions Constrain Organizational Action: Practices, Categories and Audiences Academy of Management 2012

Author: Edman, J.
Year: 2012

Institutional change in Japanese Banking: Status, Status Mobility and the Adoption of Syndicated Lending Association of Japanese Business Studies 2012

Author: Edman, J.
Year: 2012