Academic Journal

Peer-reviewed journal articles


Context Management Approach to Value Co-Creation: Toward Developing a Dynamic and Emergent Process Model. Organizational Science. 2012 Volume 46 Issue 2 pp.38-52

Author: Fujikawa, Y., Akutsu, S., Ono, J.
Year: 2012

Marriage, Cohabitation, and Happiness: A Cross-National Analysis of 27 Countries Journal of Marriage and Family 2012 Vol.74 No.5 pp.953-972

Author: Lee, K. S., Ono, H.
Year: 2012

Changing Organizational Designs and Performance Frontiers. Organization Science, Vol.23, No.4, pp.1055-1076.

Author: Van, . V. A. H., Leung, R., Bechara, J. P., & Sun, K.
Year: 2012

Examination on the effect of cultural self-views towards consumer behavior: Dialectical self. Japan Marketing Journal 125 Vol. 32 No.1 (2012) pp.75-88

Author: Suzuki, S., Akutsu, S.
Year: 2012
PDF: MJ125_06.pdf

Dynamic Updating Process of Customer's Motivation for Participating in Value Co-Creation The 21st Frontiers in Service Conference 2012

Author: Ono, J., Iitaka, S., Haga, M., Akutsu, S., Fujikawa, Y.
Year: 2012

Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation: A Review and Framework. Journal of Management Studies January 2012 Volume 49 Issue 1 pp.240-277

Author: Von Krogh, G., Nonaka, I., Rechsteiner, L.
Year: 2012

Corporate Governance and its Impact on the Type of Corporate Spin-off Choice in Korea. Journal of Strategic Management 2012 Vol.15 No.1 pp.65-87.

Author: 이정환, Lee, J., Park, N.K.
Year: 2012

I don't need an agreement on my inconsistent consumption preferences: Multiple selves and consumption in Japan. Advances in Consumer Research,2012, Vol. 40, pp.469-474.

Author: Suzuki, S., Satoshi, A.
Year: 2012
PDF: NA-40.pdf