
堀口 佐知子




Japanese Society and Culture (MBA)

  • shoriguchi@ics.hub.hit-u.ac.jp




木村周平、飯田淳子、照山絢子、堀口佐知子、宮地純一郎、濱雄亮、春田淳志、小曽根早知子、金子惇、後藤亮平 (2022)「総合診療医が守るもの―COVID-19への対応と社会身体」『文化人類学』第86巻第4号 674-685頁。

Junji Haruta, Sachiko Horiguchi, Junichiro Miyachi, Junko Teruyama, Shuhei Kimura, Junko Iida, Sachiko Ozone, Ryohei Goto, Makoto Kaneko, and Yusuke Hama (2021) “Primary care physicians’ narratives on Primary care physicians’ narratives on COVID-19 responses in Japan: Professional roles evoked under a pandemic”, Journal of General and Family Medicine 22(6) pp. 316-326.

Yuki Imoto & Sachiko Horiguchi (2015) “Fostering Learning through Unlearning Institutional Boundaries: A ‘Team Ethnography’ of a Liminal Intercultural Space at a Japanese University” Ethnography and Education 10(1) pp. 92-106.

Jeremy Rappleye, Yuki Imoto, & Sachiko Horiguchi (2011) “Towards ‘Thick Description’ of Educational Transfer: Understanding a Japanese Institution’s ‘Import’ of European Language Policy” Comparative Education 47(4) pp. 411-432.


Sachiko Horiguchi, Yuki Imoto & Gregory S. Poole (eds) (2015) Foreign Language Education in Japan: Exploring Qualitative Approaches. Sense Publishers.

Sachiko Horiguchi (2020) “Challenging the ‘Global’ in the Global Periphery: Performances and Negotiations of Academic and Personal Identities among JET-alumni Japan Scholars Based in Japan” in Akihiro Ogawa & Philip Seaton (eds) New Frontiers in Japanese Studies. Routledge, pp. 158-169.

Sachiko Horiguchi (2019) “Mental Health and Therapy in Japan: Conceptions, Practices, and Challenges” in Jeff Kingston (ed) Critical Issues in Contemporary Japan [second edition]. Routledge, pp. 220-231.

Sachiko Horiguchi (2018) “Are Children Who Do Not Go to School “Bad,” “Sick,” or “Happy”?: Shifting Interpretations of Long-Term School Nonattendance in Postwar Japan” in Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Yuto Kitamura, Beverley Yamamoto & Tomoko Tokunaga (eds) Japanese Education in a Global Age: Sociological Reflections and Future Directions. Springer, pp. 117-136.

Sachiko Horiguchi (2017) “‘Unhappy’ and Isolated Youth in the Midst of Social Change: Representations and Subjective Experiences of Hikikomori in Contemporary Japan” in Barbara Holthus & Wolfram Manzenreiter (eds) Life Course, Happiness and Well Being in Japan . Routledge, pp. 57-71.

Sachiko Horiguchi & Yuki Imoto (2016) “Historicizing Mixed Race Representations in Japan: From Politicization to Identity Formation” In Koichi Iwabuchi, Hyun Mee Kim & Hsiao-Chuan Hsia (eds) Multiculturalism in East Asia: A Transnational Exploration of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan . Rowman & Littlefield International, pp. 163-182.

Sachiko Horiguchi (2012) “Hikikomori: How Private Isolation Caught the Public Eye” in Roger Goodman, Yuki Imoto & Tuukka Toivonen (eds) A Sociology of Japanese Youth: From Returnees to NEETs. Routledge, pp. 122-138.

Sachiko Horiguchi (2011) “Coping with Hikikomori: Socially Withdrawn Youth and the Japanese Family” Allison Alexy & Richard Ronald (eds) Home and Family in Japan: Continuity and Transformation. Routledge, pp. 216-235.


堀口佐知子ほか(2021)「第18章 ターミナル期の患者と宗教に入れ込む家族」,「第21章 在日外国人患者と向き合う」飯田淳子・錦織宏(編)『医師・医学生のための人類学・社会学―臨床症例/事例で学ぶ』ナカニシヤ出版、167-176頁, 197-204頁

堀口佐知子 (2013)「チーム・エスノグラフィー―他者とともに調査することが自らを知る」藤田結子・北村文(編)『現代エスノグラフィー―新しいフィールドワークの理論と実践』新曜社、86-93頁

堀口佐知子(監修)(2010) 『カラー版 英語で紹介する日本事典』ナツメ社.