楠木 建




Strategy as a Story (MBA)
  • kkusunoki@ics.hub.hit-u.ac.jp






“Redefining Innovation as System Re-definition.” (with Yaichi Aoshima) in Hiroyuki Itami, Ken Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi Numagami, and Akira Takeishi (eds.) Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation. Springer, 2010.

“Category Innovation.” (with Satoshi Akutsu) in Hiroyuki Itami, Ken Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi Numagami, and Akira Takeishi (eds.) Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation. Springer, 2010.

“Invisible Dimensions of Differentiation: Japanese Electronics Companies.” in Hirotaka Takeuchi and Tsutomu Shibata (eds.) Japan Moving toward a More Advanced Knowledge Economy(Vol. 2). World Bank Institute, 2006.

“Invisible Dimensions of Innovation: Strategy for De-commoditization in the Japanese Electronics Industry.” in Cornelius Herstatt et al (eds.) Management of Technology and Innovation in Japan. Springer, 2006.

“Value Differentiation: Organizing Know-What for Product Concept Innovation.” in Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka (eds.) Hitotsubashi on Knowledge Management. Wiley, 2004.

“Synthesizing Modular and Integral Knowledge.” in Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka (eds.) Hitotsubashi on Knowledge Management. Wiley, 2004. "The Modularity Trap: Innovation, Technology Phase-Shifts, and Resulting Limits of Virtual Organizations." (with H. Chesbrough) Managing Industrial Knowledge (edited by I. Nonaka and D. Teece) Sage, 2001.

“The Phase Variety of Product System and System-Based Differentiation: An Alternative View on Organizational Capabilities of the Japanese Firm for Product Innovation” in Daniel Dirks at al (eds.) Japanese management in the Low Growth Era: Between External Shocks and Internal Evolution. Spinger International, 1998.

“Organizational innovation in Japan basic research: from bureaucracy to dynamic network” In Martin Hemmert and Christian Oberlander (eds.) Technology and Innovation in Japan: Policy and management for the Twenty-first Century. Routledge, 1998.

"Intra-firm Transfers of Engineers in Japan." (with T. Numagami) in A. Goto (ed.) Innovation in Japan: Empirical Studies on the National and Corporate Activities. Oxford University Press, 1997.

"Organizational Capabilities in Product Development of Japanese Firms: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Analyses." (with I. Nonaka and A. Nagata) Organization Science. Vol. 9 (6), pp. 699-718, 1998.

"Interfunctional Transfers of Engineers in Japan: Empirical Findings and Implications on Cross-Functional Integration." (with T. Numagami) IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 45 (3), pp. 250-262, 1998.

"Incapability of Technological Capability: A Case Study on Product Innovation in the Japanese Facsimile Machine Industry." Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 14, No. 5, 1997.

"Effects of Diversification of Career Orientations on Management Systems in Japan." (with K.Sakakibara, et al.) Human Resource Management. Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 525-544, 1993.



『「仕事ができる」とはどういうことか?』(山口周との共著)(2019、宝島社;2021、宝島新書)(韓国版が2020年にWoongjin Think Bigから出版)


『すべては「好き嫌い」から始まる 仕事を自由にする思考法』(2019、文藝春秋社)



『「好き嫌い」と経営』(2014、東洋経済新報社)(翻訳は台湾・香港・澳門版がChina Productivity Centerから2015年に出版)



『ストーリーとしての競争戦略:優れた戦略の条件』(2010、東洋経済新報社)(翻訳は韓国版が2012にJaeum&Moeum Publishingから、中国版が2012にChina CITIC Pressから、台湾・香港・澳門版が2013にChina Productivity Centerからそれぞれ出版)

Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation (co-eds. with H. Itami, T. Numagami, and A. Takeishi) (2010、Springer)


モートン・ハンセン『GREAT @ WORK 効率を超える力』(監訳)三笠書房、2018。

ダニエル・コイル『THE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法』(監訳)かんき出版、2018。




カーティス・R・カールソン&ウィリアム・W・ウィルモット『イノベーション 5つの原則』(監訳)ダイヤモンド社、2012。